Camper crosses a crack in the road

Well, perhaps the title is misleading as this video shows what can be achieved by a simple old 72 Dubbie. No mean feat and a tribute to the engineering on these things.

NOTE: Please turn the sound off if there are kids in the room as the language can be a bit fruity in this video.

Burning VW camper

Whether it’s dodgy electrics, split fuel pipes or a badly installed cooker, there have been lots of reports of old campers catching fire.  I have witnessed one going up in smoke (not mine) and it’s really a sad thing when you consider how few there are of these classics left.

Nerds and anoraks amongst us will probably spot that the smoke seems to be coming from the air intakes on this one.  Perished petrol pipes spring to mind here as the fire is more than likely to be in the engine bay.

Now where did I put that inspection lamp…..?

Camper interiors

A brief look at some startling campervan interiors.  From the sublime to the downright ridiculous, these interiors are really inspiring. As an avid enthusiast of the customised interior, what surprised me the most was the original interiors that shipped straight from the factory on many of these these campers.

Take a look and make sure you’re not near the MDF and that old jigsaw over the weekend…

The one book that I have that stands out above the others for camper interior design is strangely one of the cheapest.  “VW Camper, The Inside Story” shows 50 years of development and design and really gave me some inspiration when I was doing a T1 and T2 project.  No frills, just nice pictures and text about such things as Adventurewagon, Automobil, Devons, Dormobils and Karmanns.  It has many of the images in the video above plus some really good shots of other more obscure stuff.  Nice.

I have had lots of inspiration from magazines and of course the internet. There are other books in my collection though and here’s one I pick up and read more often than not when starting a project:

How to convert a van to a camper

Whatever you decide, do your research as thoroughly as possible because this could save you huge amounts of time redesigning the interior.